Minneapolis ReImagining Public Safety Campaign

 In the wake of George Floyd’s death, the eyes of the world were upon the City of Minneapolis. The City needed to show how it was moving forward and healing by learning from the past and rebuild trust with the community.


JUICE HOUSE created the year-long ReImagining Public Safety Campaign: telling the story of how the City created new alternative responses to police and more mental health resources.


We created a series of 14x high production videos that conveyed the new city services using clear and emotionally compelling docu-style storytelling.





Throughout this campaign, we featured over 80+ community members and staff from Minneapolis, telling their authentic stories in order to disseminate important information about the new public safety initiatives. It was important to reach a wide demographic, so JUICE HOUSE created a digital campaign across all social platforms that culminated in a PSA and a city-wide print campaign using wheatpasting posters to ensure we could reach audiences both on and offline.




Ramsey County Mental Health Awareness